Children with Dignity seeks to enhance the lives of impoverished children by primarily matching a child with a sponsor, which helps provide a child's basic life survivals, a good education, associate with other services, in order to foster and promote a self identity and dignity in each child.

About Us
Our Child Sponsorship Program:
Church Based, which is our foundation. Psalms 113: 17, God raises the poor from the dirt, and lifts up the needy from the garbage pile, 8: to seat them with nobles, with the princes of His people...". Christ Is First. We provide very child in our program the opportunity to hear about Jesus Christ.
Each Child Matters, therefore we provide unique method to the needs of each child individually. We find sponsors, like you, full with love, vision and a call to help.
Our goal is to provide them with life necessities like food, First Aid Care, and an educational opportunity. Your generous donation of only $25 a month, provides:
Warm place with food
Health Care & Social Services

We are always looking for someone like you to open your heart and help sponsor a child by providing only $25 a monthly or a once a year donation to sponsor a child.
CHILDREN WITH DIGNITY will provide all sponsors with an in-depth child’s profile: a yearly letter from the child, a school report, a picture and a small token to thank you for joining your hearts with theirs.

Sponsorship is about giving children a chance to grow up healthy, educated and safe. As a sponsor forever impact a child's life and their future, it may change their lives as well.